cosmological model中文什么意思

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  1. This experimental test imposes restrictions on the kind of cosmological models that are considered .
  2. Einstein s original cosmological model , introduced by him in 1917 , was a static , homogeneous model with spherical geometry
  3. The simplest and most popular cosmological model today predicts that you have a twin in a galaxy about 10 to the 1028 meters from here
  4. Such evidence would help confirm the standard cosmological model and give scientists a clue to the underlying cause of the present period of cosmic acceleration
  5. We find that within a given cosmological model different schemes of galaxy formation lead to significant changes of the pvd . we propose a simple phenomological model for the formation of lyman break galaxies , determined by the formation interval parameter z and the halo mass threshold mh
    首先,我们提出了一个简单唯象模型来联系宇宙学n体数值模拟和lymanbreak星系,该模型由两个参量(形成时间间隔_ z和暗晕质量下限m _ h )唯一确定。


  1. cosmological 什么意思
  2. cosmological argument 什么意思
  3. cosmological co tant 什么意思
  4. cosmological constant 什么意思
  5. cosmological equation 什么意思
  6. cosmological nucleosynthesis 什么意思
  7. cosmological principle 什么意思
  8. cosmological red shift 什么意思
  9. cosmological sciences 什么意思
  10. cosmological singularity 什么意思


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